Technica’s January

  1. The board of Technica ry has organized for the year 2023
  2. Remember to pay the student healthcare fee to Kela, due date is 31.1.
  3. 3.Changes and increases to student financial aid
  4. Opintotuen muutokset ja korotukset vuonna 2023
  5. Tekniikan alojen kesätyöpaikkoja tarjolla tiedekunnan rekrysivulla
  6. TEK/TFiF Lääkekehitys Turkuun 2.2.2023 -tilaisuus

The board of Technica ry has organized for the year 2023

Board tasks were distributed in the following way:

Chairman, Katariina Moilanen

Vice chairman, Katriina Mc Cormick

Treasurer, Ellinoora Koivula

Secretary, Janne Ranne

Officer of social and academic affairs, Jasmin Toukoniemi

Company cooperation manager, Venla Uskali

Tutor manager, Aleksi-Ilari Pelkonen

Remember to pay the student healthcare fee to Kela, due date is 31.1.

Remember to pay the healthcare fee for students in higher education. The 2023 rate of the student healthcare fee is EUR 36.80 per term. The fee can be paid to Kela both in the spring and the autumn term. You are expected to pay the fee unprompted.

More information and instructions for making the payment can be found:

Changes and increases to student financial aid

  • Annual income limits for student financial aid will be raised about 20 % compared to last year.
  • Study grants will be increased in line with the National Pensions Index. Starting on 1 August 2023 the study grant will be 297.38 euros per month.
  • The provider supplement to the study grant will be raised by 10 euros / month for the duration of 2023.
  • As of the beginning of 2023, it will be possible to extend the target time for earning a degree for students attending school in a country at war. The target time can be extended by one academic year. The target time to earn a degree can also be extended by one academic year for other exceptional circumstances comparable in severity to a state of war. This can include serious mass casualty incidents or natural disasters, large-scale armed attacks, or dangerous communicable diseases that have spread widely.
  • Meal subsidy for higher education students will be increased by 0.25 euros, bringing the cost of normal-priced meal for students to 2.95 euros.

Summer jobs available at Faculty of Technology’s recruitment portal

Check out summer job positions available in the Faculty of Technology’s recruitment portal!

Open jobs